East Office Events:

Events organized by us. Exclusively for East Office companies’ representatives unless otherwise stated.

Other Events:

Events organized by someone else that might interest our community. Note that these are listed for informational purposes only and are not necessarily endorsed or recommended by us

Other Events: Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024) in Berlin

Together with selected East Office companies, we will attend the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 (URC2024) in Berlin on June 11-12. The URC2024 is a continuation of the annual series of high-level political events dedicated to the swift recovery and long-term reconstruction of Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine. The key […]

East Office Event: Ukraine Construction Report – Exclusive Briefing

An in-depth discussion on our newly released exclusive report, focusing on the Ukraine construction market. The event will cover critical aspects such as the macroeconomic background, regional dynamics, market size, value chain considerations, and business culture shaping the industry. Our analyst, Kaspar Ojasoo, will present key findings under the facilitation of our CEO, Janne Harjunpää. […]

East Office Events: Summer Reception

Traditional East Office Summer Reception for our community of companies and key segment groups. Invitation only. Additional information: East Office Office Manager Ella Korhonen

East Office Event: Syksyn KickOff – Suomen Tuki Ukrainalle ja Euroopan Turvallisuusnäkymät

Tervetuloa East Officen syyskauden ensimmäiseen tilannekatsaukseen: Suomen Tuki Ukrainalle ja Euroopan Turvallisuusnäkymät, torstaina 29.8. klo 8–9 (via Teams).  Tilaisuudessa tarkastelemme syksyn kynnyksellä Ukrainan tilannetta, Euroopan turvallisuutta sekä Suomen roolia tässä murroksessa. Maailmanpoliittisen tilanteen ja turvallisuuden muutoksia ja niiden vaikutuksia Suomen ja Ukrainan asemiin saapuvat meille avaamaan Tasavallan presidentin kanslia- ja kabinettipäällikkö Lauri Tierala sekä Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun rehtori, kenraalimajuri Mika Kalliomaa. […]

East Office Travels: Türkiye-Finland EPC Business Event

Türkiye-Finland EPC Business EventUnlocking Opportunities in Ukraine, Central Asia and South Caucasus When: September 4-6Where: Istanbul, Türkiye East Office of Finnish Industries, in collaboration with the Embassy of Finland in Ankara, Business Finland, and the Turkish Ukrainian Business Association (TUID), is organizing a visit of leading Finnish companies to Istanbul from September 4-6, 2024. Turkish […]